I've been neglecting my blog of late because as a web developer, I can never seem to be happy with my site so I try to reduce the disappointment that I feel from the way it looks by not coming here often at all.
Now though, I have a great thing to blame it on. Squarespace. If you dont like it - Im sorry, its one of Squarespace's default templates and Im not going to be throwing any effort into that part at the moment.
Im also going to be posting up some of the results of some of the little 'experiments' of things I have tried out to see the effectiveness of technology on the general public. Things like effectiveness of QR codes. Changing the wording on signs to provoke a reaction out of more users and trying to see how modern technology is percieved by the masses.
Also the posts are going to be a lot shorter - life is short. I will be spending more time in real life with real people than online with strangers
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