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April fools

This year saw some great April fools

Google Maps for the NES - 8bit quest edition
YouTube offline edition, brought to you by truck... Weekly
Hungry Hungry Hippos for iPad
Google Chrome Multitasking Extension
Shreddie, the USB shredder and unshredder

And internally - Prompt has run out of pixels.

Thanks to all those who donated

Sadly, not all news today was happy. The BBC reported that a bill to allow all government bodies to effectively tap all emails, social messages and communications online is trying to be passed through. After all the awareness the Stop SOPA campaign raised, people are beginning to realise that the government is trying to get more of a grip on the Internet. Unfortunately in the UK, we already have our version of SOPA which is called the Digital Economy bill and it was rushed through parliament in 2010 after some dubious consultation. It is very one sided but I suggest instead of me talking about it, you can have a skim read if you are interested,

I'm all for governments protecting citizens but I feel that the Internet itself should not be censored.

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